Electrum 5e
Electrum 5e

electrum 5e

1 More posts from the DnD community 29. ago The same thing it is in the natural world. ago Thanks I've started wondering that since playing 5e, but didn't care enough to look it up 1 level 1 deleted 7 yr. In game terms, one EP is 1/2 a GP or 5 SP 6 level 2 7 yr. If they wanted a coin half as valuable as a GP, they could just make a gold coin half as big instead of a 25% gold + 75% silver electrum coin. Electrum is a naturally occurring gold-silver alloy. Get Started Utilities Installers Explore expandmore.

electrum 5e


Sure they could artificially alloy gold & silver, but what would be the point? Electrum is your resource for free and transparent comparision shopping for home solar, battery, water heater and EV charging. In Greyhawk, only Geoff, Iuz, the Duchy of Ulek, the Duchy of Urnst, the Pomarj and the North Province of the Great Kingdom produce Electrum. But in D&D, we tend to play mainly in high-medieval or renaissance cultures that had mastered the art of refining metals by mundane means, and we also have magic available.


It was used mainly by primitive cultures who had not yet learned how to refine & separate the two metals. Mostly because if you wanted it (or any other odd form of currency) nothing was stopping you from restoring it as a "house rule".īut also because in the real world, electrum was somewhat problematic as a monetary metal: it was a naturally occurring alloy of gold & silver, and as such its gold/silver content varied wildly between sources, and sometimes even when produced from the same mine. Even as an old-school gamer, I find it hard to get excited over Electrum. Noble: Ahlissa, Bone March, North Kingdom, Sea Barons, Sunndi Haf-kronar: Frost, Ice and Snow Barbarians This direction is great news for old-school Greyhawk fans, so dungeon-master's, break out those electrum coins!Įagles: Bissel, Geoff, Gran March, Keoland, Sterich ELECTRUM DRAGONedit Wyrmling 3 very young 5 young 7 juvenile 9 young adult 11 adult 14 mature adult 16 old 19 very old 20 ancient 22 wyrm 23 great. Now in the 5th edition PHB we find this:Įlectrum is back in the pages of D&D for no real functional reason, but it is yet another reminder that the game has gone back to its roots. This was slightly unwieldy so in second edition they moved to a system more like Basic D&D's:Įlectrum still existed in the rules, but soon the decimalization of D&D's coins continued with third and fourth edition:ĭespite not being in the rule books for over a decade, electrum was still present in certain settings, like Greyhawk (like in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer) at it's standard exchange rate. In the first edition of AD&D, the coinage breakdown was like this: For those who are newer to the game I'll explain why this is interesting. Welcome back electrum! I'm sure a lot of you older gamers who have the new edition of D&D have noticed that electrum coins are in the Player's Handbook again.

Electrum 5e